Energy Efficiency Implementation

Energy Efficiency Implementation is an industry comprising firms which retrofit or replace inefficient equipment with more efficient parts or equipment, with the goal of reducing energy consumption. Energy efficiency implementation firms have the resources, both physical and intellectual, that can provide advice and materials to entities/facilities, assisting in decreasing energy use. Energy efficiency implementation is performed in two distinct ways: by retrofitting existing equipment or by replacing existing equipment completely. Retrofitting enhances existing equipment by making it expend less energy. The goal of this kind of implementation is to save kilowatts (kW) and kilowatt hours (kWh). The difference between these two measurements is that one is a power rating (kW) and the other is a measurement of energy actually consumed (kWh).


Utilities and Energy Conservation

Public Utility Commissions in many states mandate that their utilities design and implement energy efficiency programs. The funding for these can be reflected in their rates or are collected through a surcharge in monthly customer bills. Some utilities design their own programs and implement them using a rebate form or other application, and administer the programs using their own staff. Most major utilities hire implementation contractors who are responsible for the design and implementation, and some implement programs already designed and approved by their PUC. Some programs require a co-pay by the customer, some are installed at no-cost.

Why would utilities want to reduce energy consumption if energy is the product that they sell?

Utilities invest in energy efficiency for the following reasons:

  1. Social interests: environmental issues and resource conservation
  2. Economic interests: to prevent costly construction of power plants or the purchase of more energy

The end result is that utility companies have more energy to sell, or in other words, they are able to sell their excess capacity to more customers in the area without increasing their production capacity.

What this means to a utility customer

The results of energy efficiency implementation are all beneficial for the energy consumer. It reduces operational costs, reduces carbon footprint, and it can even improve quality of life. Energy efficiency implementation can also play a role in increased revenue when consumers choose a “greener” product over another that is not [1]. Energy efficiency implementation can be extremely beneficial to large market segments like small businesses, schools, cement processing plants; basically any area that uses large amounts of energy. Small changes here add up to large savings. Implementing energy efficiency measures in a home or business can also lead to behavioral changes. When an energy efficiency change has been made and the energy consumer sees the benefits, more changes are often wanted to further their savings. These small changes create awareness and can be as simple as turning of lights when a room is not in use, or as complex as adding window glazing or installing demand-control ventilation.

Benefits of Energy Efficiency Implementation

Operational Costs

By making appliances, lighting or HVAC system more efficient, energy consumption levels drop, which lead to a lower utility bill for utility customers.

Carbon Footprint

By reducing energy consumption we are able to conserve natural resources and thus have a less dramatic impact on our environment.

Quality of Life

Working in natural or well-lit areas contributes to performance and productivity [citation here]. Comfortable temperature levels also factor into how well a person functions. This fact can be applied to any operation that requires the use of lighting or an HVAC system.

Energy Efficiency Implementers

Energy efficiency implementation companies normally focus on specific equipment or appliances that they specialize in retrofitting or replacing, or they provide this service by sector: residential, commercial or industrial. Energy efficiency implementation is a complex field, and in order to implement effectively, the implementer must be multi-faceted and have extensive experience in many areas of energy efficiency. An example of an Energy Efficiency Implementation company is Matrix Energy Services, Inc. As a long time provider of energy efficiency services to numerous gas and electric power companies in the US, Matrix Energy Services, Inc. designs and implements energy efficiency programs that reduce investment payback periods and create long-term reductions in energy consumption and cost on the part of utility company customers. Primarily focused on the commercial sector, Matrix Energy Services, Inc. is known for implementing “boutique” energy efficiency programs which cost-effectively bring to new technology applications to large, but hard-to-reach market segments. One such program is their Mobile Energy Clinic, which they implement on behalf of San Diego Gas and Electric. The Mobile Energy Clinic delivers no/low-cost lighting and HVAC energy efficiency services to small and medium sized businesses throughout the utility's territory. Matrix Energy Services, Inc. employs a multi-faceted marketing strategy to achieve deep penetration into this generally under-served market sector. Matrix Energy Services, Inc is woman-owned business headquartered in Sacramento, CA. There are many systems, machines and methods that assist in creating energy savings:





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